Karaköy Kemankeş 85 m2 Satılık Dükkan

Satılık Dükkan İş Yeri 8,950,000 TL 85 m² / (Net) 85 m² Oda / Bölme: 5

Türkiye İstanbul / Beyoğlu / Karaköy / Kemankeş Karamustafa Paşa Mah.

Ref.No: 449138 / İlan No: f-752574-209
Son Güncelleme: 08/01/2022

Ana Bilgi

Oda / Bölme5
Yapının DurumuIkinci El
Kullanım DurumuBoş
Bulunduğu KatZemin
Yakıt TipiDoğalgaz
İnşa Yılı1992
Aidat0 TL

Beyoğlu Karaköy Kemankeş 85 m2 Kullanım Alanı / Asma Kat
Yatırım İçin İdeal / Yüksek Kira Getirisi
Dükkan Tapulu/ Krediye Uygun
Galataport ve İstanbul Modern Sanat Müzesi Yakınında
Satılık Dükkan
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5.23068,0.126 5.20909,0.294 L 4.93563,2.149 C 4.49665,2.324 4.09365,2.562 3.71943,2.835 l -1.7919,-0.7 C 1.76201,2.072 1.5749,2.135 1.48855,2.289 l -1.4393,2.422 c -0.093553,0.154 -0.050374,0.343 0.086356,0.448 l 1.5184,1.155 C 1.625226,6.538 1.603636,6.769 1.603636,7 c 0,0.231 0.02159,0.462 0.05037,0.686 l -1.5184,1.155 c -0.13673,0.105 -0.17271,0.294 -0.086356,0.448 l 1.4393,2.422 c 0.08635,0.154 0.28066,0.21 0.43898,0.154 l 1.7919,-0.7 c 0.37421,0.28 0.77721,0.511 1.2162,0.686 l 0.27346,1.855 C 5.23068,13.874 5.38181,14 5.56171,14 h 2.8786 c 0.17991,0 0.33104,-0.126 0.35263,-0.294 L 9.0664,11.851 c 0.43898,-0.175 0.84197,-0.413 1.2162,-0.686 l 1.7919,0.7 c 0.1655,0.063 0.3527,0 0.439,-0.154 L 13.9528,9.289 C 14.0391,9.135 14.0032,8.946 13.8664,8.841 Z M 7.0011,9.45 C 5.6122,9.45 4.4824,8.351 4.4824,7 4.4824,5.649 5.6122,4.55 7.0011,4.55 8.39,4.55 9.5198,5.649 9.5198,7 9.5198,8.351 8.39,9.45 7.0011,9.45 Z' /%3E %3Cpath id='m' d='M 0,0 H 16 V 12 H 0 Z' /%3E %3Cpath id='l' d='m 0,0 v 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A 6.9826789 6.9826789 0 0 0 324.01367 66.976562 A 6.9826789 6.9826789 0 0 0 317.03125 59.992188 z M 316.49805 61.365234 L 317.76172 61.382812 C 318.14697 61.388692 318.45192 61.704576 318.44727 62.089844 L 318.4043 65.619141 L 321.94336 65.642578 C 322.32865 65.645013 322.63647 65.956519 322.63281 66.341797 L 322.62109 67.603516 C 322.61743 67.988794 322.30326 68.297356 321.91797 68.294922 L 318.37305 68.271484 L 318.33008 71.826172 C 318.32543 72.21144 318.0122 72.515645 317.62695 72.509766 L 316.36328 72.492188 C 315.97803 72.486309 315.67308 72.170424 315.67773 71.785156 L 315.7207 68.255859 L 312.18164 68.232422 C 311.79635 68.229987 311.48853 67.918481 311.49219 67.533203 L 311.50391 66.271484 C 311.50757 65.886206 311.82174 65.577644 312.20703 65.580078 L 315.75195 65.603516 L 315.79492 62.048828 C 315.79957 61.66356 316.1128 61.359355 316.49805 61.365234 z ' id='path3997-6'/%3E %3Cellipse style='fill:%23800000;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1.10310566' id='circle4073' 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0 Z' /%3E %3Cpath id='c' d='M 1.52,4.5 C 1.52,2.961 2.632,1.71 4,1.71 H 7.2 V 0 H 4 C 1.792,0 0,2.016 0,4.5 0,6.984 1.792,9 4,9 H 7.2 V 7.29 H 4 C 2.632,7.29 1.52,6.039 1.52,4.5 Z M 4.8,5.4 h 6.4 V 3.6 H 4.8 Z M 12,0 H 8.8 V 1.71 H 12 c 1.368,0 2.48,1.251 2.48,2.79 0,1.539 -1.112,2.79 -2.48,2.79 H 8.8 V 9 H 12 C 14.208,9 16,6.984 16,4.5 16,2.016 14.208,0 12,0 Z' /%3E %3Cpath id='b' d='M 2,9 H 0 v 5 H 5 V 12 H 2 Z M 0,5 H 2 V 2 H 5 V 0 H 0 Z m 12,7 H 9 v 2 h 5 V 9 H 12 Z M 9,0 v 2 h 3 v 3 h 2 V 0 Z' /%3E %3Cpath id='a' d='M 4.4546,8.7015 1.1137,5.2537 1e-4,6.403 4.4546,11 14,1.1492 12.8864,-1e-4 4.4546,8.7014 Z' /%3E %3Cpath id='n' d='M 12.348,7.686 C 12.3768,7.462 12.3984,7.238 12.3984,7 12.3984,6.762 12.3768,6.538 12.348,6.314 L 13.8664,5.159 C 14.0032,5.054 14.0391,4.865 13.9528,4.711 L 12.5135,2.289 C 12.4272,2.135 12.2329,2.079 12.0745,2.135 l -1.7919,0.7 C 9.90842,2.555 9.50543,2.324 9.0664,2.149 L 8.79294,0.294 C 8.77135,0.126 8.62022,0 8.44031,0 H 5.56171 C 5.38181,0 5.23068,0.126 5.20909,0.294 L 4.93563,2.149 C 4.49665,2.324 4.09365,2.562 3.71943,2.835 l -1.7919,-0.7 C 1.76201,2.072 1.5749,2.135 1.48855,2.289 l -1.4393,2.422 c -0.093553,0.154 -0.050374,0.343 0.086356,0.448 l 1.5184,1.155 C 1.625226,6.538 1.603636,6.769 1.603636,7 c 0,0.231 0.02159,0.462 0.05037,0.686 l -1.5184,1.155 c -0.13673,0.105 -0.17271,0.294 -0.086356,0.448 l 1.4393,2.422 c 0.08635,0.154 0.28066,0.21 0.43898,0.154 l 1.7919,-0.7 c 0.37421,0.28 0.77721,0.511 1.2162,0.686 l 0.27346,1.855 C 5.23068,13.874 5.38181,14 5.56171,14 h 2.8786 c 0.17991,0 0.33104,-0.126 0.35263,-0.294 L 9.0664,11.851 c 0.43898,-0.175 0.84197,-0.413 1.2162,-0.686 l 1.7919,0.7 c 0.1655,0.063 0.3527,0 0.439,-0.154 L 13.9528,9.289 C 14.0391,9.135 14.0032,8.946 13.8664,8.841 Z M 7.0011,9.45

Türkiye İstanbul / Beyoğlu / Karaköy / Kemankeş Karamustafa Paşa Mah.

Karaköy Kemankeş 85 m2 Satılık Dükkan / Yorumlar

Yücel Ciddi
Şirket Yetkilisi
Optimum Gayrimenkul
Serçe Sokak No:4 Karaköy Beyoğlu İstanbul
34425 İstanbul
+90 212-252 35 69

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